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In this format, a single JSON object is interpreted as a single JSON value. If the input has several JSON objects (comma separated), they are interpreted as separate rows. If the input data is enclosed in square brackets, it is interpreted as an array of JSONs.

This format can only be parsed for a table with a single field of type JSON. The remaining columns must be set to DEFAULT or MATERIALIZED.

Example Usage

Basic Example

SET allow_experimental_json_type = 1;
CREATE TABLE json_as_object (json JSON) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO json_as_object (json) FORMAT JSONAsObject {"foo":{"bar":{"x":"y"},"baz":1}},{},{"any json stucture":1}
SELECT * FROM json_as_object FORMAT JSONEachRow;
{"json":{"any json stucture":"1"}}

An array of JSON objects

SET allow_experimental_json_type = 1;
CREATE TABLE json_square_brackets (field JSON) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO json_square_brackets FORMAT JSONAsObject [{"id": 1, "name": "name1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "name2"}];
SELECT * FROM json_square_brackets FORMAT JSONEachRow;

Columns with default values

SET allow_experimental_json_type = 1;
CREATE TABLE json_as_object (json JSON, time DateTime MATERIALIZED now()) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO json_as_object (json) FORMAT JSONAsObject {"foo":{"bar":{"x":"y"},"baz":1}};
INSERT INTO json_as_object (json) FORMAT JSONAsObject {};
INSERT INTO json_as_object (json) FORMAT JSONAsObject {"any json stucture":1}
SELECT time, json FROM json_as_object FORMAT JSONEachRow
{"time":"2024-09-16 12:18:10","json":{}}
{"time":"2024-09-16 12:18:13","json":{"any json stucture":"1"}}
{"time":"2024-09-16 12:18:08","json":{"foo":{"bar":{"x":"y"},"baz":"1"}}}

Format Settings

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